
Eyes to see

Seeing the Aurora Borealis and Aurora Australis are bucket list items for me.   The magical dancing lights in the sky have captivated me all my life.  Pure wonder.

Imagine my extreme disappointment when I discovered, while talking to a friend who’d been multiple times to see the lights, that they can mostly be shades of grey when viewed with the naked eye.


I’ve spent all this time dreaming about the lights for nothing?  Were all those beautiful images photoshopped for effect?  


“Wait”, said my friend, “The colours are vivid when solar activity is high.  You need to be ready.  Fortunately, we have technology to help us these days, in previous times you kind of had to chase the lights, and trust to the knowledge and wisdom of the locals.”   “Ohhhh”, said I.  “You also have to know your stuff with your camera too or you get pretty ordinary images too”, she said.  Hmmmm…

I suspect those magical dancing lights were put in the sky as a teaching aid for we humans.  What do I think they teach us?

You have those magical things within you, vivid of colour and unique, gifts to the world to be shared with others.  You may not think so, maybe all you see is grey.  They are there nonetheless.  As with the northern and southern lights, your light becomes more vivid with increased activity, so you need to DO some things…

  • You need to start looking with expectation;
  • You need to be ready;
  • You must understand and become adept at using tools to assist you in becoming more and more and more you; and
  • You can enhance your chances of seeing your light by seeking the knowledge and wisdom of guides with knowledge around these things.

What will you do today to identify and enhance your strengths in all their vivid colour?

About the Wayfinders' Blog

The Wayfinders’ Blog helps individuals, teams and organisations discover and develop their unique strengths. I provide valuable insights and practical tips to my audience empowering them to develop their talents into strengths and achieve their goals.

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