
World Wisdom: Argentina, Armenia and Australia


En la vida se necesita tener tres cosas.  La humilidad de no sentirse superior a ninguno.  El coraje a afrontar cualqier situación.  La sabiduría de callar delante a la estupidez de ciertas personas.

In life you need to have three things. The humility of not feeling superior to anyone. The courage to face any situation.  The wisdom to remain silent in the face of the stupidity of certain people


Ինչքան էլ ծառը պտուղ տա, այնքան ավելի է խոնարհեցնում գլուխը

However much fruit a tree gives, it humbles its head that much more.

Meaning: If you’re full of pride and ego, people won’t benefit from you. But when you have true humility (represented by the bent head of the fruitful tree), it shows you have something valuable to share with others.


No worries mate, she’ll be right.


We are all visitors to this time, this place. We are just passing through. Our purpose here is to observe, to learn, to grow, to love… and then we return home.


I was unwilling to accept the status quo

Vonda Malone

About the Wayfinders' Blog

The Wayfinders’ Blog helps individuals, teams and organisations discover and develop their unique strengths. I provide valuable insights and practical tips to my audience empowering them to develop their talents into strengths and achieve their goals.

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