What are your Top 5?
Everytime I open up someone’s CliftonStrengths Assessment, I feel like it is Christmas! (Is that my Individualisation strength talking?!) I get excited to see what are their top 5 talents that we can turn into mighty strengths! CliftonStrengths, previously known as StrengthsFinder, is an assessment tool developed by the Gallup Organization that helps you identify […]
Where do your strengths lie? The 4 domains of CliftonStrengths
CliftonStrengths, is an assessment tool that helps individuals understand and develop their natural talents. Developed by the Gallup Organization, CliftonStrengths identifies 34 unique themes or strengths that people possess to varying degrees. These themes are grouped into four broad domains: STRATEGIC THINKING, RELATIONSHIP BUILDING, INFLUENCING, and EXECUTING. In this blog post, we will explore each […]